Blogging in Community: Mastermind Groups

I’m privileged to blog along with some amazing and beautiful groups of women. We brainstorm together. We go to conferences together.  We pray for each other.  They are my tribe.  And I couldn’t do this blogging thing without them. But what is a mastermind group and how does it work?

What is a Mastermind Group?

A Mastermind Group is a smaller, intimate group of bloggers who bring their talents and passions together to support and encourage each other toward their various online goals. A mastermind group is essential to anyone endeavoring to take their blog to the next level, whether that be to share their passion with a wider audience, learn to make money off their blog, become a better writer, or all of the above.

What Does a Mastermind Group Look Like?

I’ve been a part of various mastermind groups ranging from 3-20 members. We form around common interests, niches, or goals, and bring a variety of skills and areas of expertise which we then use to encourage and support each other. We use Voxer, email, and private groups on Facebook to ask questions, brainstorm, share what we’re learning, and support each other through encouragement and promotion of our individual online endeavors.

Help for Starting Your Own Mastermind Group

Mastermind Groups are the best kept secret in the blogging world–because they are by nature private groups, people don’t often talk about them. But being in a mastermind group has so radically impacted my blogging journey, I decided go public! I don’t want you to miss out on the difference a mastermind group could make in your blogging journey.

Here are all the best tips I’ve gleaned from over 3 years of masterminding in a variety of groups, as well as more information on how you can get the most out of your group…

6 Types of Groups for Bloggers (which one is right for you?)

There are a lot of options when it comes to choosing a group to network and grow with as a blogger. Learn about six different types of groups and find out whether you’re really looking for a mastermind group or something more like a support group or mentor input.

6 Marks of a Healthy Mastermind Group

Whether it’s a group of casual friends or serious professionals, a healthy mastermind group is always characterized by certain traits. Here are six characteristics to help check the health of any mastermind group. They will help you identify the kind of group you want to join or evaluate if the group you’re in is right for you.

How to Start a Mastermind Group

Trina Holden explains seven simple steps to help you start your very own mastermind group.

Don’t Do This Alone

This post on the Allume blog was the first place we “went public” with the story of our own mastermind group and how much it had meant to each of us.

Mastermind Group Guidelines

Any group of people committed to helping each other grow needs some guidelines to keep them focused. Here are the guidelines to how our group operates.

How to Start and Run a Mastermind Group

A fabulous interview with Trina Holden on Kat Lee’s How They Blog podcast.

Why You Should Be Part of a Mastermind Group

If you aren’t convinced yet, find out why blogging expert Amy Lynn Andrews thinks you should be part of one (and get great recommendations about how your group can connect).

Here’s what bloggers are saying about the wisdom of mastermind groups…

“If you, as an intentional blogger and hopeful, someday-author do not yet have a mastermind group, you need to stop everything and get that going right now. You don’t have to have a huge tribe to feel the benefit of community. You just have to be real and brave enough to ask for help from those you already call friends.
-Trina Holden in Don’t DIY by Yourself {It takes a community to publish an eBook}

“Sometimes it can be easy to get caught up in the comparison game when you’re a blogger.  Because of that, it can feel vulnerable or even dangerous to try to closely network with other people.  However, I would say that when you really find your people, you don’t have those feelings about them.  They want you to succeed and you want them to succeed.”
“10 Benefits of Networking with Other Bloggers” by Angie of Many Little Blessings

Blogging success largely depends on relationships. There are a few lone, superstar bloggers out there, but I think most successful bloggers would agree that relationships with others have played a key role in getting them to where they are.”
-Amy Lynn Andrews in “Why You Should Be Part of a Mastermind Group”

“Our current group is an active network of approximately 20 bloggers.  It has become a very loyal group where we know that we can go for solutions to problems, ideas, promotions, writing opportunities, and most importantly – a true love and support for each other.”
“How I Formed My Blogger Networking Group” by Angie of Many Little Blessings

“I was part of a group at the beginning of my blogging days that was really helpful as we all learned the ins-and-outs of the technology and platforms.  For that group, I approached about 7 different bloggers with similar sized readerships to mine…the relationships I formed in that group are still very integral to my blogging life today.  They are the people I approach to collaborate, lead, and dream with me.  Today, I’m a part of a group of 4 that meets over Google+ every Monday morning.”
-Hayley Morgan in “A Visit with the Tiny Twig {Interview with one of my fav bloggers!}

“A small group of like-minded bloggers can give us the support and companionship that will enable us to thrive and enjoy this adventure.”
-Trina Holden in {Smaller Bloggers} Don’t Do This Alone (published on the Allume Blog)

“Start at the ground and build a strong foundation – one member at a time.  Make sure you have enough in common that you accurately encourage one another. Your niche doesn’t have to be exactly the same, but it should be complimentary.”
“6 Steps to Building Your Own Community {Mastermind Group}” on Christian Mommy Blogger