composting words

The post ideas come when I can’t write them down. Long drives on curvy roads. Watching little curls bounce in the ocean breeze. Snuggling a little man who asks to be my baby again.

I had grand plans of writing thousands of words while we were on vacation. But my fingers didn’t seem to get to go on vacation along with the rest of me.

When I finally found time and cell service to call a friend, I told her my next plan was to find a corner and hole up and write. And then she shared with me a tidbit she’d read in Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg:

Sometimes, the ideas have to compost. The longer it takes you to write the words down, the richer they can be. The more times you write and rewrite, the deeper your story can be.

So I’ll keep soaking up the sun and composting.

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  1. ohhh…THANKS for sharing this. I really needed this reminder as I’m beating myself up for not doing much writing on my blog right now. With your words, I can see that much is “perking” below the surface and that is entirely okay…

  2. well, i reckon that’s some good news for me since i’ve been doing a lot o’ stinkin’ thinkin’ about my lack of writerly genius.

    (glad you are back)