Coordinate Your Social Media Profiles
Now that you’re giving everyone easy access to your social media profiles in your email signature, it’s time we take a look at those social media profiles themselves. With all the different apps and smart phones we use to post to social media, we rarely have cause to visit our own profile pages. It’s easy to forget that we still have the background that we used three blog designs ago and that we’ve added a job or a child or changed website addresses since we last updated our profile.
Today’s task is to open up each and every one of your social media profiles in your internet browser—along with your blog or website if you have one—and analyze and adjust them based on the questions below.
- Do each of your social media profiles look like they belong to the same person?
- Is your gravatar the same in each social media profile?
- Are each of your cover/header photos similar yet different?
- Is the color scheme (where applicable) similar in each social media profile and matching or complementary to that of your blog or website theme?
- Do you use the same form of your name on every profile?
- Does each bio read slightly different yet still sound like it’s describing the same person?
- Does each bio describe what you bring to your followers in this particular social media presence?
- Is it easy to get from one profile to another? (If I like your page on Facebook I might want to follow you on Twitter, too.)
- Does every profile include a clear link to your website?
- Does your website sidebar include easy-to-find links to every social media profile? (I can’t @mention you in a Tweet if I can’t find your username in your sidebar!)
Network-Specific Questions:
- Do you @mention any other Twitter accounts you write or Tweet for within your Twitter bio?
- Do you have a Twitter-specific about page you direct people to?
- Is there a link to your website in your Facebook Page’s “about” section?
- Do you list your Facebook Page as your “employer” on your Facebook timeline?
- Are you taking advantage of the links, contributor, and other profiles sections in Google Plus and YouTube?
- Is your Pinterest account linked to your Twitter and Facebook account (not to mention your website)?
- Is your LinkedIn experience up to date?
- Is your Networked Blogs info current?
- Does your Etsy bio still describe you as an Etsy newbie?
Bonus Tip:
Already have every single social media profile in ship-shape order? That’s great! But what about your usernames? Are they as consistent as possible throughout each social media network? Does your Twitter username match your domain name? Are your Twitter and Facebook addresses identical? Analyze and change carefully as needed—there’s no limit to the number of times you can change your Twitter username (or your domain name!), but Facebook URL (address) and page name changes are limited.