
Hello, I’m Gretchen.

My love affair with the written word began when I learned to read at age 3 1/2. Several hundred good books later, I got to read a real life better-than-fiction romance as it was written when I met my husband in Yellowstone National Park. We fell in love through a 10-year friendship formed in correspondence by old-fashioned mail.

When we got married, it took more than 16 boxes to contain our combined library of books. But we went bookshopping on our honeymoon, too.

Now, we work together to instill a love of reading and a passion for good books in our four children. Because we believe our love of words comes from The Word.

And when I write, I feel His pleasure.

That’s why I help others write Word-centered words in a digital age.

This side of my blog is where I write about lovers of books–and His Word–along with my farmer husband.

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Gretchen Louise