Gretchen Louise

to my firstborn

to my firstborn

Dear Ruth Ann, You are my eldest, my artist, the one who keeps me on task but forgets to stay on task. You have your daddy’s laid-back personality combined with the typical traits of an oldest, but oh you have your mother’s penchant for getting so lost in your art that you forget everything else….

a sense of belonging

“Was it hard, moving away from your family?” they ask. “Weren’t you homesick?” I always smile as I shake my head. I’d been homesick for him for so long that I couldn’t be homesick when we were finally making a home together. Yes, there were the adjustments of a new town, a new job, finding…

My Mary Kate

My Mary Kate

Dear Mary Kate, There’s no way to put into words the giggle in your voice, the lilt in the way you pronounce words. A photo can capture the sprinkling of tiny freckles across your button nose, but it would take a non-stop video camera to record everything that makes you Mary Kate. You are developing…


The How & Why of Author Email Lists

Despite all the new social media platforms, one thing hasn’t changed: the permission to get into people’s inboxes is still one of the most powerful tools you can wield when it comes to marketing and communication. Facebook posts are getting seen less and less, Twitter feeds are getting more full, Pinterest is exploding in popularity and pin quantity—but everyone still checks their email.

In fact, for an author, an email list may be even more important than a blog. And it’s never too early to start building your email list.

The Blessings Jar

The Blessings Jar

“I find jar.” He said it repeatedly, in his serious, emphatic way. And of course, the f’s and j’s are a bit hard to understand from a two-year-old’s little lips, so it took a few moments before I could interpret his sentence. Context always helps. And we’d just read The Blessings Jar out loud for…


I am related to some of the most beautiful people in the world. I just can’t decide if they seem more beautiful when I’m missing them so far away, or if they are more beautiful when I get to see their faces again after a long absence. My beautiful paternal grandmother is in the hospital…

of earwigs

of earwigs

Each year, it’s a different creature. But this year, it’s earwigs. As never before. Perhaps it’s the mild winter that let them survive to bug us in such great quantity. I haven’t studied their life cycles enough to know. All I know is that I wish it was a shorter one. Granted, the year of…

The End.

The End.