Gretchen Louise


“I get the idea that you like green,” the painter said when he stepped into our house and surveyed our green bathroom walls, our blue-green kitchen walls, and the green paint on his hands. “This color can actually look more blue, depending on the time of day,” I laughed.  “But yes, we like green.” Green…

Christmas Aprons

Christmas Aprons

Dear Grama, You always find the perfect gifts to welcome in each season of the year, be it Easter or Autumn or Christmas.  And it was no exception when we saw you earlier this month.  You know how we girls love our aprons.  And you found the most adorable Christmas aprons for all three of…

a shoe box

We know Christmas is on the way when Lorrie starts reading the stories each Sunday.  Each week, she has another story of a little shoe box and the life it touched in a big way.  Each week, we realize that the simple things we take for granted could mean the world to a child around…

“not tided”

Two-year-old Mary Kate beats us to the punch: “Not. Tided.” she announces with punctuated finality. “Tided” of course is “tired”.  And she’s most definitely not “tided”, since rubbing the eyes, fussing, whining, and nearly falling asleep at the table are all not signs of being “tided.” I’ll be the first to admit that I’m tided,…


“Do you remember where you bought this CD?” he asks, in the midst of the after-dinner cleanup and pickup. No, I can’t remember where I bought it.  (We decided it must have been used off the internet, with the hole punched through the bar code.) But I remember why. It has that song on it. …


When I have someone to do the dishes for me, I remember again how much I love it.  Cooking.  Baking.  Combining ingredients, tasting, testing, to make something satisfying and filling.  Something to warm the soul and the stomach.  Something that speaks love to my family and any guests.  Something that tastes like home. I’ve been…

farmer time

I’m a farmer’s wife.  Our days are anything but predictable.  He might be home at 11:45 a.m. ready for lunch.  But some days, it’s 3 p.m. And when I have dinner ready early, he’s late and unable to call.  When I assume he won’t be home until 15 or 20 minutes until after he could…

time to pray

“Instead of never finding enough time for God in the midst of everything else, I had to work everything else around God.” –Holly Pierlot in A Mother’s Rule of Life: How to Bring Order to Your Home and Peace to Your Soul, page 18 In reading A Mother’s Rule of Life, I was again convicted…

prayer walking

It takes time to intercede for others in prayer before the father, and prayerwalking allows for that time.  Intercession is an essential ministry, not a last-minute, last-ditch effort of casually throwing things in God’s lap.  Prayerwalking is not an easy way to “take care of prayer” while you get good exercise.  it is a call…

The End.

The End.