
It’s what I feel when he reaches behind the driver’s seat to hold my hand, sitting there behind him. It’s what I know I am when he’s tired and working late and we’re taking care of kids more than each other.

It’s what I feel when I walk out of doors and feel the breeze in my hair and the sun on my face and see the beauty of His creation all around me. It’s what I know I am even when I fail Him and forget to trust Him and have to ask forgiveness once again.

Beloved. His beloved.  No matter what I think or how I feel, I know:

“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.”
-Song of Solomon 6:3

{Five-Minute Friday: “beloved”}

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  1. Hi Gretchen, I appreciate these profound words, “No matter what I think or how I feel, I know…” We are held close, secure and beloved.
    More Grace,

  2. Dear Gretchen
    Coming via FMF and I am delighted with all the sweetness you have captured in not many words! Yes, desr one, I would rather KNOW than feel that I am His belovrd and that He is mine.
    Much love xx