
How to Update Old Blog Posts (without breaking links or losing social media shares)

How to Update Old Blog Posts (without breaking links or losing social media shares)

Working your way through a course like Sticky Blogging or Blog Smarter and making changes to your old posts? Just feeling like a bit of spring cleaning on your blog?

Here are three things to know about updating old posts.

Rest assured: you can do it without breaking any links or losing your social media shares!

Want to encourage commenting on your blog posts? Check out these 10 super practical ways to streamline your comment section so it's easy to comment.

10 Practical Ways to Encourage Comments and Conversation on Your WordPress Blog

It’s all fine and good to declare blog commenting alive and well. But how can we give the comment section on our own blog a shot in the arm? We’ve heard the usual suggestions time and time again: write good content, ask questions, be real, be controversial, be sure to reply to their comments, as well…

What I Learned About Irrelevant Content While Organizing My Blog

What I Learned About Irrelevant Content While Organizing My Blog

At first, I didn’t think I wanted to do #Bloganization. Going through my blog’s archives seemed too daunting a task–even for a month-long project. My archives are an assortment of the last four years of my story, and that story has been through a good share of different chapters: my pen name’s been dropped, my blog’s name…

Do your blog archives need some #bloganization?

Do your blog archives need some #bloganization?

Growth and change are two hallmarks of a good blogger, or indeed anyone who excels at their craft! As each season changes, we see growth, but we are also often faced with the urge to purge.  Clean.  Reorganize.  Just as in life, each change of season is a great opportunity to get organized in our home on the internet. As bloggers, our online…

A Beginner’s Guide to Tumblr

A Beginner’s Guide to Tumblr

Tumblr 101 If you’re unfamiliar with Tumblr, it’s kind of hard to explain without comparisons to other social media. Think blogging – but short, punchy, informal, and immediate. Think Pinterest, but in a scrolling feed style. Think Twitter, without the limitations of 140 characters. And think of hashtags like you’ve never thought of them before….

The End.

The End.