if you love me…

I ask her to pick up her room and she does anything but.

She runs in from outside, fist full of flowers, “I picked this bouquet for you, Mommy!”

“They’re beautiful, honey, but aren’t you supposed to be picking up your room?”

She comes from the school table, “I drew all my letters!”

“Good job, but aren’t you supposed to be picking up your room?”

Bouncing up from out of nowhere, “I love you, Mommy!”

“Sweetie, you could really show me you love me by obeying me and picking up your room.”

And even as I correct her (not always so very patiently), His voice whispers in my ear (so very patiently)…

Isn’t that exactly what you do, my daughter?  You busy yourself so much here and there with ministry and “good things”, but you neglect the very things I have already asked you to do.  If you love me, obey my commands.

And once again, I see myself in the mirror of my children.  And in mothering them, I learn more of my Heavenly Father’s heartache and love.

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  1. What a good point you make! So often to I fail in complete obedience… I will be meditating on this today. 🙂