Ingredients for a Great Day

I’ve decided there are two—no three—things that make my day go better.  The one is—or at least, should be—a “given”: spending time in God’s Word.   But unfortunately, it often becomes only an item to be hurried through so I can get to my to-do list (which is the second).  Yet if I do really focus on the Word I am reading, then the songs I sing (number three) as I do my to-do’s have more joy in them.  And all three go together to make my day so much better!

There’s something about crossing items off a list that not only makes them more doable, but gives an incentive to get them done.  Who hasn’t written down an already accomplished task just to be able to cross it off the list?  I’ve learned that planning my day with a prioritized to-do list helps ensure I get not just something done, but the important things done.  It also helps me feel like I’ve accomplished something and not only answers my husband’s question of “What are you going to do today?” but ensures I don’t forget something he asked me to be sure to get done.  The real reason behind my to-do list is truly that I am so scatter-brained these days that I always feel like I’m running in circles, so my list gives me direction and prevents me from forgetting what I need to do!

I learned long ago that singing improves not only my attitude, but that of those around me.  I remember helping baby-sit my cousins, and when all else failed in making them settle down, I’d start singing “Trust and Obey” and they’d all chime in and become little angels (or something close).  Later, when working in the state capitol, I learned that other people noticed the happy mood of my humming, even when I didn’t know a tune was on my lips.  And now, even though my little girls can’t repeat the words, they catch the mood of Mommy’s singing: Mary quiets her crying at the sound of my voice and Ruth sings her own wordless little songs along with me.  And naturally, if I’m singing cheerful songs I can’t help but feeling more cheerful.

So, assuming that time with the Lord is the “given”, the #1 item on your priority list, what are the things (under your control) that help your day go better?

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  1. WOW Gretchen this is JUST what i needed to see.thank you for your timely reminder this morning amazing timing!!
    i took a wonderful time management class and i loved every minute of it, i was given a cute planner with quotes etc..i was in awe..but i only used it for 1-2 days. guess i’ll have to get back into it..and she also taught me about the 4 quadrants..OF VERY IMPORTANT needed to be done today, important soon to be done, not as important but emergencies..and the ones least important..which is leisure time..thanks for the reminder i’ll look over my old notes that should help :)) and i’ll dig out that planner because i’ve been so busy these days i’ve neglected the important stuff..LIKE TIME WITH GOD, Time in the Word, i still pray a lot, but not read enough of the word, i have totally neglected my blog for the last 2 months not good..and i also have 2 college classes and work part my life is full with friends, etc..I definitely need to make lists..and i notice when i go grocery shopping i spend a lot LOT less when i have a list..BUT there is something very good to watch out for in certain Grocery Stores like Stop & Shop..if you register to have their card, 2 things apply..every 100 pts you earn every 100$ you spend you get 10cents off per gallon which makes a BIG difference in Conn , 2nd part about the stop & shop card is so amazing..if you are registered, they can give you a literally a register little gun, and you can scan your purchases as you go AND YOU keep track of how much $$ you are spending, i swear the 1 time i used it i prolly took off 4 things off my list because they were just too expensive..and it helps the cashier too, they just scan the list you scanned and you are all set..Sometimes i don’t like new technology but this may help your readers..have them ask about this kind of program at grocery stores, it saved me lots of $$ and time 🙂 and i don’t work for this store i swear..i just like how much time it saved me!!!!
    amazing!! thanks again Gretchen for your great wise article..and i love the part about signing and humming i need to do it more 🙂 LOL

    take care!

    Blessings always!

    In His Love, Jane

  2. I have been realizing how much my spiritual life depends on keeping Christian songs in my head all the time. For three years (minus a few months here and there) I was required to take a hiatus from my music and so switched to soundtracks and instrumental. When I was free to listen to my music again, I realized that it really does make a difference to have Christian lyrics running through your head versus secular lyrics or just no lyrics. It keeps your subconsious heavenward I think.

  3. Such good points, Gretchen! I find that starting my day out with reading God’s Word really helps my day. It’s hard to say exactly why, from a human perspective, but it really does! I try to read for at least 15 – 30 minutes every morning. Another thing that I don’t do enough of these days (now that I’m a busy married woman 🙂 ) is play worship songs on the piano. There’s something uplifting in that…. it just boosts my day, even if I’m in a discouraged frame of mind. The third thing for me is going outside to take a walk, rain or shine, and praying while I’m walking. When I get back in the house, those “boring” jobs have new charm to them, and I have plenty of energy and vigor for housework again!

    Thanks for sharing those tips. It must be even more difficult for a mommy of two little ones to stay on track with her day! I admire your efforts… Remember that nothing is in vain in the Lord. God bless!

  4. Those are great tips for making a better day! Thanks for sharing them. I have personally found that one of the most important things I can do to get the day started on the right foot is to wake up before the children do. Even just early enough to get dressed and hair done, although I try to be early enough to do my Bible reading, too. Somehow facing the kids and the day feeling together myself, makes a huge difference.