Nightime on the farm…

It’s night night time on the farm. Everyone’s fed and tucked in for the night… The hens are roosting in the Chick Inn. The baby pullets have their night time ration of food, their heat lamp is plugged in, and their apple bin is covered up snugly against the cold wind. I even fed Ooffy, and gave him some clean water (the duck empties the cat water dish every day). Which means I have to catch Merritt before he listens to the begging meows and gives them more food. The cats know they can’t get fed at night time until the chickens are in bed. But oh how they love to trick Merritt into thinking they haven’t been fed yet. Especially Wooster, who shows up late and wonders where all the food went.

Ruthie had her bath, her cereal, a nighttime meal, and now I hear her softly sucking on those fingers as she falls asleep. Her little gums were a bit swollen and red yesterday, and even moreso today, especially on the bottom left. I think we’re going to see some pearly white things soon.

And now I’m snuggled up here on the couch under an afghan. I started a fire–it’s just that sort of cozy night. And I’m waiting for that phone call, “Love, I’m on my way home.” Waiting to see his Ranchero’s lights coming toward our house. My farmer man has been busy today. He cleaned seed all morning (with an old-fashioned seed cleaner that has a motor hooked up to it) with the rest of the menfolk, fixed his own little Ford 9N tractor this afternoon, and then set out to finish planting the barley with the big John Deere tractor. It doesn’t look like he’ll quite be finished before dark. But he can move the wheel line and plant the last little bit in the morning. Always another round or two to drive that tractor. A farmer learns incredible patience…

I have a candle lit by his place at the table. I’ll warm up the leftover sausage gravy and potatoes when I hear him coming up the drive. Then I’ll smile at him from across the table while he eats his dinner. We’ll shower, share a bowl of Brown Cow yogurt and a cup of cammomile tea, then snuggle up under the covers to get some rest before another busy weekend arrives on the farm…

Being a farmer’s wife isn’t always easy. I never know how long I’ll have to keep dinner warm, or when a tractor may break down or an irrigation pipe burst keeping my husband out all hours. I may not always know exactly which field my husband’s in, but I know he’s close-by. And I know he will always be home for dinner, even if it’s past 9 p.m. and he’s exhausted, dusty, soaking wet, or all three. There’s nothing like the twinkle in those brown eyes, shaded by his John Deere cap. And nothing compares to that sexy farmer’s tan. I love being my farmer’s wife…

And now I see those lights! I’m off to kiss that beloved farmer of mine…

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