our little one…
Dear Littlest One,
A week ago Monday, Mommy and Daddy got to see you for the very first time! Mommy was 18 1/2 weeks along on December 6, which meant you were about 16 weeks “old.” Oh the wonders of ultrasound technology!
We laughed as the ultrasound tech pretended to count to 5. I knew better than that—I could see that there was just one of you in there. I was pretty sure I’d have been feeling more kicking than I already was if you had a twin in there with you—but I always wonder if we’ll see a double surprise on the screen.
About all I could tell was that you were there, though. As to whether you’re a boy or girl, only the ultrasound tech and your Creator know. If it hadn’t been for him telling us, your Daddy and I wouldn’t have known that was your little hand up there by your head waving at us.
But there you were, every little feature perfect. All your little fingers there on your hand. And two little tiny
baby feet kicking around in Mommy’s tummy. Little as you are, you sure make some big movements in there, though! Daddy hasn’t been able to feel you yet, but Mommy is reminded of your presence quite frequently these days. Especially when I eat something you think particularly yummy.
We got to bring home lots of pictures of you this time. I’m not sure if that’s because you were being particularly cooperative (your big sisters were so stubborn about simple profile shots!) or if the hospitals are getting more generous in their printouts these days. You seemed tinier than I remember your sisters being on screen, but I think I’m probably not quite as far along with you as I was when we saw Mary on ultrasound, at least.
It was so fun to catch glimpses of your feet and hands (I could just hear what your grandpa would say–that you had all your fingers, in teasing reference to the fingers he lost in a logging accident, a condition that he likes to pretend is hereditary). Just to see you—a living combination of us—was amazing.
We decided against bringing your sisters along, after Ruth pushed the power button on the entire ultrasound system during Mary’s ultrasound! Ruth was only mildly impressed with your portrait—I guess it’s easier for her to imagine a baby being in my tummy than that such a funny black and white picture could be you. But still, she’d been concerned about the appointment, after your daddy prayed that everything would go well and be okay. She was glad to hear you were growing well, or as the technician kept saying, “Lookin’ good.”
We love you, little one. We already adore your precious profile… And we can’t wait to kiss those little fingers and toes when they are done filling out. Thanks for posing for so many cute pictures.
Lots of Love & Prayers,
your mommy
how exciting!
Congratulations! That is so exciting! Did y’all decide “not to know” the gender? I think that that’s neat.
Many blessing to the little dear!
That was such a sweet note! We don’t like to find out the gender either. I think with each baby it’s become a bit easier to wait.