the blank post

Sometimes I open up a new post and start typing but realize I don’t really know what I’m trying to say. So I click the “x” and write another post on another topic, because there are plenty of things I can write without needing to listen. But that blank post?  It’s still in my head. …

GoodNite Lite

GoodNite Lite

“Our night lite is orange!  Our night light is orange!” The door-opening and loud exclamations sometimes seem to negate the whole idea of “sleeping in”, but at least they’re getting the idea. We used to be greeted by “Ready brek-uss!  Ready brek-uss!” at about 6:25 each morning.  An announcement from a 2-year-old’s lips which was…



If we could see beyond today as God can see… I could hear the tune in my head the moment I thought about the word “beyond.”  I pulled out the old brown hymnal to find it.  I don’t remember if we sang it in our church growing up.  But it only had one sharp, so…

of sisters and kitties

of sisters and kitties

“Oofy saved my life.” It took a few repetitions before we understood what our almost-three-year-old was telling us.  Oofy the cat (named, like all our felines, for a P.G. Wodehouse character)had saved her life. “How did Oofy save your life?” “He ate the gopher.” At this point we all burst into laughter because as far…


We have so much more than enough. I sort the outgrown clothes into overflowing bins. I stack the boxes of books for upcoming school years. We can the extra tomatoes so we’ll still have enough this winter. We are blessed in abundance.  We have oh so much more than enough for the five of us….

The End.

The End.