
In the din of the day, the children, the dishes—sometimes I almost miss it.

His gentle roar.

But then, in the faces of my children, I catch a glimpse of it.

His slightly reproachful face.

And when the quiet hours finally come at the end of the day, I can feel it.

His claws, scratching away the ugly, dragon-like scales.

No, He is not safe.  But He is good.

And so very patient with me.

Five-Minute Friday: Roar

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  1. it’s like you pulled this out my mind–that scene from that book is so powerful, so painful, so true…thank you for writing this…

  2. Awwww, Gretchen, you must have been reading, “Voyage of the Dawn Treader” Yes, he is so patient. More patient than I ever could be with myself or anybody else. No, he is not safe, but he IS good. After all, he’s not a tame lion…Yes, in the still of the night, I can feel his claws peeling the layers of my ugly dragon skin away. It hurts bad sometimes, but it needs to come off. Thanks so much for posting.
    In His Love,