
Sunday morning worship time isn’t always very conducive to worship when you’re a mom.

I breathe a big sigh of relief if we even make it there on time and in one piece. And then I try to sing the right words at the right time while balancing a child in one arm and a song book in the other. I turn from breaking up a fight between to children to whispering to another, “put down your book and stand up and sing”.

We’re told not to give up the meeting together. Because the fellowship that happens there is priceless, even if the worship time leaves me with hardly any time for worship at all.

But neither am I to neglect worshiping our God. Because if I do, the rocks will cry out in our place.

Worship time isn’t limited to before and after prayer time on Sunday mornings.

Worship is breaking into song as I drive 70 miles per hour on the highway. Worship is pausing to pray before mealtimes. Worship is finding just a moment to be still amid the busyness. Worship is a whispered prayer while doing dishes. Worship is doing every little thing to the glory of God, with a smile on my face and praise on my lips.

And that leaves me with plenty of time and opportunity to worship, if only I will make the choice.

Worship is what leaves me longing for more. More of my Jesus. More time to worship Him.


Five Minute Friday Prompt (a week late): “Worship

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  1. Gret, I am so thankful to read this post this morning. Sometimes I really wonder if it is worth the effort to attend the worship service with the kids in tow. I feel like I spend most of my time hushing them or breaking up arguments. Glad to hear the the wonderful Merritt kids act the same as mine.

  2. This may be a week late, Gretchen, but so meaningful on a Saturday when many young moms like yourself are already dreading the getting ready for worship morning! You are bright light shining even in the lives of us grandmas as you evoke memories of Sunday morning for us. 馃檪

    1. Thank you, Sherrey! I was gone this last week but was ruminating on the word prompt all week. I wrote it more for myself than anything, but I hope it is encouraging to other young moms in my shoes.