counterfeit rest

I eat chocolate chips when I have a cold. I know sugar is the last thing I need when I am sick, but the chocolate chips feel so creamy and smooth on my sore throat — until they make me cough later.

I am the same way with rest. I scan Facebook when I am too tired to write, drowning myself in media when I should be letting my mind and soul rest. And then I wonder why I have no words left.

I turn the kids out the door to get some fresh air and forget that mommy might need some, too. I suggest we start a movie way too late when I know we should just take advantage of the quiet and get some sleep. I turn to the quick and easy of social media instead of taking the time to read a good blog or a deep book.

Too often, I choose a counterfeit version of rest and wonder why I feel even more tired afterward.

{Finally taking the time to write on last week’s Five-Minute Friday prompt of “rest”.}

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  1. Hi, You linked your post just before me on the Five Minute Friday linkup. We are both a few days behind…. makes me like you even more! I can totally relate to your post about counterfeit rest. I also do the same thing….and then wonder why I’m more stressed out than ever! The social media and trying to get my mind disengaged never creates a true rest or “escape.” I am with you! I always feel so much better on those days when I turn the worship music on or read my bible or pray or just spend time in the presence of God. Blessings!