so glad you called

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IMG_3593“When’s a good time to call?”

Several friends have asked me the same question recently.  I suppose my lack of response has answered as well as I could have.

When is a good time to call a mom of little people?

In the morning when she’s getting breakfast on the table and laundry in the wash and daddy off to work?

When she has five spare minutes to sit down and get to some desk work that must-needs be done?

Right before lunch when the baby’s waking and the laundry’s calling and lunch isn’t ready?

When all the children are napping and the house is quiet and she finally has a moment to write?

When she catches a brief moment of rest with her feet up, out in the fresh air and sunshine?

When everyone’s awake and clamoring for a snack and there’s dinner to be made?

At dinner when her husband is home and she finally has another adult to talk to?

In the evening when we never go anywhere anyway because everyone’s tired and ready for baths and mommy’s more ready for bed than anyone?

My friends have figured out that there’s no time that’s always going to be “good” to call.

That’s why they call me when they are thinking of me and then give me the chance to call back later if it’s a really bad time.  That’s why they see a Facebook status that makes them worry about me and call me without giving me a chance to tell them over the internet that I’m fine.  That’s why they keep me on speed dial and make the call without looking at the clock.

Maybe there’s no good time to call.  But we call each other anyway.  And leave long, rambling messages if the other’s too busy to pick up.  Because we just might be “so glad you called…”

If someone you know is weighing on your mind
And needs a friend on the end of that other line
Don’t hesitate what you say may seem so small
But who knows
They might be glad you called…
So make the call

lyrics from Matt Kennon‘s “The Call

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  1. Gretchen, I can so relate to this! It’s never a “good” time for me to talk on the phone! I usually end up missing most of my calls, simply because my phone is usually buried in the bottom of my diaper bag! (Or, I forgot and left it on silent so the ring won’t wake the baby.)

    I love Facebook and emails and old-fashioned notes in the mail… and I love voice mail… so many reminders of warmth and friendship… even if I rarely have time to return those calls. 🙂

  2. Yes, I have to admit I’ve been thinking about this. In the past year, I had several friends with newborns/babies under the age of one, and I didn’t call them for a while, afraid to steal precious hours of rest, until I realized that perhaps just calling at a bad time would make them feel like I do when someone calls me, loved, thought of… turned out it worked much better 😉 nice post!

  3. I love this. I want all my friends to read this too – so they understand! If they only knew how much I welcome the ‘interruption’ and appreciate a friend who let’s me gracefully postpone our chat till the baby stops crying.

    I love a good chat while folding laundry, and prayer seems to happen best anymore when one of us says to the other over the phone – “let’s pray about that right now before we say goodbye!” Such sweet times of fellowship.

    We have the same rugged phone, built to withstand toddlers! LOL

  4. Loved this! So true… It’s funny, in regard to my friends who have littles, I often think that I shouldn’t call them because they’re busy and I wouldn’t want to catch them at a bad time, etc, etc. But then, if I reverse the situation and think about wanting people to call ME, who also has littles, I realize that I want my friends to call whenever, even if I’m busy with babies, and that I’ll just tell them if it’s a bad time. Thus, I should treat my friends the same way I want to be treated…novel thought! 😛 Anyway…we should talk again soon…when is a good time…?! 😛 🙂