
“not tided”

Two-year-old Mary Kate beats us to the punch: “Not. Tided.” she announces with punctuated finality. “Tided” of course is “tired”.  And she’s most definitely not “tided”, since rubbing the eyes, fussing, whining, and nearly falling asleep at the table are all not signs of being “tided.” I’ll be the first to admit that I’m tided,…

getting up

It was in every single book and blog post I was reading.  From the the Mahaney ladies’ 5 AM Club in Shopping for Time to Anne Ortlund committing to meet with God in the wee morning hours in Disciplines of the Beautiful Woman.  I knew I needed to get up earlier—to meet with God, to…

the clock

“There’s more to life than increasing it’s speed.” Little ones grow up.  The seasons race by. I’m learning lately the importance of living in the moment, not living in the next item on my to-do list. So I set my timer for the unimportant things.  I race through them to get on to that which…

power hour

Every mom knows you have to take advantage of naptime.  And in our house, we still have two naptimes per day.  Not everyone necessarily falls asleep in the morning, but it’s quiet rest time—and that’s my power hour.  (Afternoon naptime is my own version of rest time: writing time!) Getting things accomplished during naptime has…


The ordinary, everyday brings me to tears sometimes with its very routine-ness. The over and again, rinse and repeat, wake up and do it all over again laundry and dishes and what to eat. The toys that will always get strewn everywhere and be tripped over.  And the girlish joyful exuberance that will wake a…

do and be?

The shelf beside my chair is full of books inspiring me to do.  But into Google Reader and my Facebook feed yesterday morning came two links inspiring me to be. While the one downloaded, I read the other. Lisa-Jo’s words seem so often to be written just for me these days: I don’t need to…

so glad you called

“When’s a good time to call?” Several friends have asked me the same question recently.  I suppose my lack of response has answered as well as I could have. When is a good time to call a mom of little people? In the morning when she’s getting breakfast on the table and laundry in the…

smile lines

smile lines

It’s always worst on Sunday mornings.  I wait until the last minute to get dressed, letting the little man who still shares our bedroom get as long of a nap as possible before we go to church (where naps are now impossible for him, unlike some of the other people who go there). I pull…

The End.

The End.