Social Media

Social Media

Does everyone need to know what’s on your mind?

When you login to Facebook, it asks, “What’s on your mind?” But does everyone need to know what’s on your mind? When you visit Twitter, it asks, “What’s happening?” But Twitter isn’t just about what’s happening to you. “We were never created to live ‘publicly,’” says Sarah Markley.  No one really needs a play-by-play Twitter…

Facebook Thumbnails

Facebook Thumbnails

No Thumbnail?  No problem. Ever go to share a link on Facebook and the URL is the only thing that shows up?  No picture or summary? Run the link through the debugger and Facebook will update its image:  (You can do this whether it’s your link or someone else’s.) Wrong Thumbnail?  Get a WordPress…

It’s Not About You

It’s Not About You

Social media is not about you—it’s about the people you are following and the people following you.  There is no “currency” in social media: it’s all about relationships. Don’t forget the Golden Rule, but don’t promote just to be promoted, either.  Having an others-first mentality is the only way to use social media. Reply, Retweet,…

Find Your Tribe

Social media is not about numbers.  It’s not about how many followers you have or how many likes you get.  Social media is about the relationships you’re building.  And if you’re looking to go deep, not wide, in your social media relationships, it’s essential to find your tribe. Your tribe is made up of more…

Proof Your Posts

Proof Your Posts

It might be tempting to write off-the-cuff posts on social media networks without regard to proper spelling or punctuation, but when you do, please remember that they are a part of the whole of your online presence.  If you are committed to serving others online, you will serve with excellence, no matter the venue. A…

The End.

The End.