the first, the last, and the in between

We talk about the first time and the last time, romanticizing the romance and the goodbyes in Country songs and novels.

But the truth is, that first kiss, though sweet, is often awkward. And the first time that newborn babe is in your arms you’re as filled with fear as you are joy and relief.

That last goodbye, though cherished, is a memory always tinged with sadness. That last glimpse, though not to be missed, often reflecting but a shadow of the person we remembered.

It’s all those times in the middle that give that first memory meaning, that make that last goodbye bittersweet. When we’re so busy living and loving that we never even stop to mark the moment is when the moments are priceless, because we never know how many we have left. It’s in the in between when the memories are made.

{Five Minute Friday Prompt: “Last”}

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  1. Beautiful…and so true. i’d never thought of the in between that way before, though I tend to be sentimental about firsts and lasts. Thank you, Gretchen!

  2. How can it be that I’ve heard this song a million times but have never seen the video until today… hmmm.

    I reckon we’ve all gotta remember to dance and sing through the day, not just skim along for the ride, aye?


  3. I loved considering this, Gretchen! My favorite part–“It’s all those times in the middle that give that first memory meaning, that make that last goodbye bittersweet.” So true! Thank you for the reminder.

  4. I like this. I just lost my mom and I’ve been focusing too much on the end….what we could have done better, did we do right, was she okay. I should be focusing on all the middle times that were so precious and rewarding. Thanks! Good perspective.