Five Minute Friday

story view

I love to hear people’s stories. I want to hear what they wanted to be when they grew up and how they met their spouse and who they named their children after. And when we know each other better, I hope they’ll share with me the harder stories, about the child they lost or the…

the brave ones

“Making the decision to have a child–it’s momentus. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” -Elizabeth Stone, as quoted in Mom in the Mirror I felt pretty brave yesterday, starting off on a road trip by myself with three little ones in tow. But it wasn’t very…


It feels like we’re jumping into the busy season with both feet. All except for Mom–she’s not doing anything with both feet at the moment. My mother-in-law broke her ankle on Tuesday. And her fall threw us all into a bit of confusion, as we rearrange schedules and plan for a summer without the help…

there and here

there and here

My husband’s grandparents were one of the first to build on the hill.  But like the little house in the storybook, the city grew up around them.  Their ocean view has diminished to just a slice outlined by two palm trees out the dining room window. But every evening, Grandpa would hobble through the kitchen…


I lay back in my chair, willing myself not to sigh audibly as I put my feet up. She might be numbing my mouth in preparation for dental work, but it feels like a mini vacation for the moment. I open my copy of Bittersweet, wondering if the dentist or assistant will comment on a…


We knew they were ready to head towards home when they started talking about their “bonk” beds. We were two weeks and about 1600 miles into our vacation and about ready to start retracing our steps home. We were still enjoying our trip (especially since everyone was finally healthy!) but we were ready to sleep…


After three weeks of vacation, it’s hard to settle back into the ordinary. Dinner doesn’t make itself, and the dishes pile up. Despite all the laundry we did on the road, there were half a dozen loads to do when we arrived home. There are bags and boxes to unpack and routines to re-establish. And…

what mamma did

My mom took pictures. We rolled our eyes and we thought it was annoying. We hammed it up with the most ridiculous expressions and posed in ways only we thought were beautiful. And with the click of a shutter, Mom captured the moment for all time. My mom became a Creative Memories consultant when I…


It’s what I feel when he reaches behind the driver’s seat to hold my hand, sitting there behind him. It’s what I know I am when he’s tired and working late and we’re taking care of kids more than each other. It’s what I feel when I walk out of doors and feel the breeze…


When I write, I bare my heart. I set down my thoughts and my feelings, my fears and my failures.  The words may appear in black and white but they are written with tears, sweat, and blood. And then, I press publish. With the click of a button I put my heart out there.  Many…

The End.

The End.