Gretchen Louise

“Be Not Afraid”

“Be Not Afraid”

“Be not afraid.” It wasn’t the first time I’d played Mary and heard those words from the lips of the angel with a baptismal robe and cardboard wings. (One time, I’d even played the angel.) But it was the first time I’d acted the part since joining the drama troupe, since learning there was more…



It started snowing on Sunday morning—Ru woke up to a bit of frosting on the world in celebration of her third birthday.  “It’s frosting snow!” she told me.  I’m not sure if that’s because I spent months telling her it was only frost, not snow, on the ground outside (because oh how she’s been looking…

Really Woolly Bible Stories

Really Woolly Bible Stories

It doesn’t get much cuter than Julie Sawyer Phillips’ “Really Woolly” character illustrations.  And coupled with Bible stories set to rhyme in a board book with easy words children can understand, Really Woolly Bible Stories makes the perfect read-aloud with my almost-3-year-old and 1-year-old. Bonnie Rickner Jensen covers the highlights of the Bible, from Creation…

open-face sandwiches

We revisited the deliciousness the summer my cousin Abbie was here.  It wasn’t as if I had never had a BLT before, but these things that Abbie called “open-faced sandwiches”—a staple in her family—were amazing, especially on my sister-in-law’s homemade bread with fresh ground wheat.  And, the best part of all was that Abbie’s open-faced…

Fred & Betty

Dearest Fred, Can you believe that today marks 14 years since our families met?  We were just-barely-turned 13-year-olds.  We had no idea we would be meeting our future spouse that day.  But the God-ordained timing of the Riverside Geyser in Yellowstone National Park on September 30, 1996 changed our lives forever. It was three and…

September days

By all these lovely tokensSeptember days are here,With summer’s best of weatherAnd autumn’s best of cheer.-Helen Hunt Jackson, September My favorite month of the year is more than half over.  My hubby and I have celebrated our birthdays together. My dear cousin has wed the man of her dreams. A dear family friend has moved…


Dearest, As with so many, many things in my life, my memories of September 11, 2001, are all intertwined with memories of you. My dad, brother Will, and I had gotten up early that morning.  We were driving here to help your family with building your parents’ home.  The Country radio station was on (it…

The End.

The End.