
iced coffee

Four things have happened since I posted my favorite frappuccino recipe: My almost-2-year-old developed a terrible fear of loud noises, including my Cuisinart blender. I tried eliminating some dairy (mostly milk and yogurt) from my diet to help with my almost-4-month-old’s reflux symptoms. I realized I could cut my (sugary) calories a bit and start…


Still. “Be still.” “Peace, be still.” “Be still and know that I am God.” Still?  When am I still? My hands are busy holding, doing.  My mind is busy thinking, planning. My ears are busy listening, trying not to hear. But He commands me, just as He commanded the waves that day—“be still.” I step…

one more kiss

Dearest, Every year about this time, it all comes flooding back to me.  The reality of how close I came to the loss hits me full force. The loss of you…my then-newlywed husband, my best friend, the father of our then-future children (whom I already knew would have reddish blond curls!). You laugh when I…

sure of myself

I used to be so sure of myself.  I remember when it was all cut and dried, life was easy to figure out, I knew what I was supposed to do and who I was supposed to be. I’m not sure of much of anything any more.  Or rather, I’m sure of only One—and His…

the gray sunglasses

“Thank you, Mommy, for the beautiful new sunglasses!” I looked down at her sunglass-bedecked face in slight surprise.  Was this the same little girl who had just been crying because I had not bought the orange sunglasses she’d wanted?  Was this the same little girl who didn’t like the fact that the yellow ones fit…


Can gratefulness be measured? Can a once-widowed woman’s appreciation for new love be compared to the joy of a late-blooming romance? Can a woman whose quiver is full be any more grateful than a woman who finally gives birth to a long-awaited child? Does having little make one more grateful for the little things than…

summer and turtles

Everything I love about summer is everything that makes me long for autumn days turning to winter. The long sunny days.  The warm nights.  The crickets chirping peacefully in the evenings after the little ones have gone to bed. But the long hours of daylight mean so much work to be done in our short…


“Miss.  Daddy.  Miss.  Miss.” Her one-word sentences threaded together with long pauses and much emphasis on “miss” melt her daddy’s heart. We all try to give him a warm welcome when he comes home.  Sometimes, I can’t get up from nursing or holding a sleeping babe, but he comes over and leans down to kiss…


Home is four walls he built with his two hands.  Home is a little pink house that has grown bigger through the years and isn’t even pink any more. Home is where the chickens cackle to let me know they’ve laid another egg and I better race out to get it before they do. Home…

The End.

The End.