Gretchen Louise

what mamma did

My mom took pictures. We rolled our eyes and we thought it was annoying. We hammed it up with the most ridiculous expressions and posed in ways only we thought were beautiful. And with the click of a shutter, Mom captured the moment for all time. My mom became a Creative Memories consultant when I…


It’s what I feel when he reaches behind the driver’s seat to hold my hand, sitting there behind him. It’s what I know I am when he’s tired and working late and we’re taking care of kids more than each other. It’s what I feel when I walk out of doors and feel the breeze…


When I write, I bare my heart. I set down my thoughts and my feelings, my fears and my failures.  The words may appear in black and white but they are written with tears, sweat, and blood. And then, I press publish. With the click of a button I put my heart out there.  Many…

Blog at Home Mom

Blog at Home Mom

Blog at Home Mom is not just a book about blogging or motherhood—it’s a book about time and life management.  And it’s both honest and affirming at the same time. Christin begins by acknowledging writing as a gift from God, a passion that she can and must use for a purpose.  In fact, she goes one…


I have spent so much of my life being afraid of what people will think of me. I should have worn something different tonight — I am going to stick out like a sore thumb. Her hair is so gorgeous — everyone must think mine looks awful. My house is a mess — I can’t…

Holey, Wholly, Holy

Holey, Wholly, Holy

I grew up Baptist.  We celebrated the Palm Sunday journey that led our Savior to Good Friday and finally Resurrection Sunday, but we didn’t recognize the journey of Lent that paved the way in our own hearts. My friends in the blogosphere spoke often of Lent in the days leading up to Easter, but even…

The End.

The End.