Gretchen Louise

Wodehouse & Psmith

Wodehouse & Psmith

If you’ve never met any of P.G. Wodehouse’s characters, then let me start by introducing you to Psmith.  He used to be in fish, he conveniently borrows other people’s umbrellas, and his latest venture is pinching necklaces.  At the moment, he’s posing as a poet, even though he can’t understand a line of the poetry…

The Green Ember
Children's Books

The Green Ember

I suppose stories about rabbits are as old as they are beloved. There is Pat the Bunny, The Velveteen Rabbit, Peter Rabbit, Peter Cottontail, Br’er Rabbit, and Uncle Wiggily to name just a few. But these classic children’s stories about rabbits have a new companion that numbers among our family’s very favorites: The Green Ember by S.D. Smith. And these rabbits have swords. Describing…

Why Read Aloud?

Why Read Aloud?

I had always assumed that a good reader would naturally make a good writer. Not necessarily, according to Andrew Pudewa of the Institute for Excellence in Writing. Andrew Pudewa believes that the fundamental requisite for being an excellent communicator is listening to quality literature being read aloud. Why Reading Aloud Makes Good Writers What do we do when…

The Beauty of Grace

The Beauty of Grace

The blogosphere is full of words these days. Our friends are always sharing the latest, greatest, must-read post. And sometimes, the noise is overwhelming. We stop looking for new blogs to read because there are just too many to choose from. We turn off the web browser with the flashing ads and turn to the peaceful pages of a…

10 Practical Ways to Encourage Comments and Conversation on Your WordPress Blog

10 Practical Ways to Encourage Comments and Conversation on Your WordPress Blog

It’s all fine and good to declare blog commenting alive and well. But how can we give the comment section on our own blog a shot in the arm? We’ve heard the usual suggestions time and time again: write good content, ask questions, be real, be controversial, be sure to reply to their comments, as well…

The End.

The End.