
Do the Next Thing

Because the only way to conquer the tyranny of the urgent is to do the next thing… From an old English parsonage down by the sea, There came in the twilight a message to me; Its quaint Saxon legend, deeply engraven, Hath, as it seems to me, teaching from heaven. And all through the doors,…

power hour

Every mom knows you have to take advantage of naptime.  And in our house, we still have two naptimes per day.  Not everyone necessarily falls asleep in the morning, but it’s quiet rest time—and that’s my power hour.  (Afternoon naptime is my own version of rest time: writing time!) Getting things accomplished during naptime has…


The ordinary, everyday brings me to tears sometimes with its very routine-ness. The over and again, rinse and repeat, wake up and do it all over again laundry and dishes and what to eat. The toys that will always get strewn everywhere and be tripped over.  And the girlish joyful exuberance that will wake a…

do and be?

The shelf beside my chair is full of books inspiring me to do.  But into Google Reader and my Facebook feed yesterday morning came two links inspiring me to be. While the one downloaded, I read the other. Lisa-Jo’s words seem so often to be written just for me these days: I don’t need to…

fifteen years

Fifteen years ago today, I met my very best friend. No, we didn’t talk that day—we were young and shy, just days past our thirteenth birthdays. But we listened to our parents as we all walked those boardwalks through Yellowstone—away from the Riverside Geyser where we met, towards Old Faithful itself. We all thrilled at…

I Love My Aprons

I Love My Aprons

I’m so glad you dropped by my kitchen! Let’s pour a cup of tea and swap apron stories for a bit, shall we? I’ll cut a slice of homemade bread and get out the raspberry freezer jam. And then, if dinner-time’s a-comin’, I’ll tie on an apron and you can keep me company while I…

Vintage Aprons

Vintage Aprons

Hair ribbons. Aprons. They lend beauty to the ordinary, everyday tasks of dishes and dusting. They make it easier to have a spring in my step as I go about the same housewifely rituals I know must-needs be done again tomorrow. There’s something about these little touches of femininity that make me feel like I’ve stepped out of Little Women or Little House on the Prairie.

The End.

The End.