
Lizzy & Jane: a review

Lizzy & Jane: a review

Some books make you want to start reading them all over again the moment you’re finished. Like the perfect dinner, you still want another serving to enjoy the flavors and textures one more time–even when you’re completely full and satisfied. Lizzy & Jane is just such a book. Katherine Reay brings a delightful new flavor to the menu of modern…

#PromiseInPieces - a review of Emily T. Wierenga's first piece of fiction

A Promise in Pieces

I grew up on the stories of the Depression as told in Reminisce Magazine (back when there was a Reminisce Extra). I lived vicariously through the World War II era tales in the books like We Pulled Together and Won! collected and published by Reiman Publications. I might not be able to quote you exact dates or…

The Mommy Cup

The Mommy Cup

The Mommy Cup is a children’s book with a message that’s just as much for mommies as for their little ones. Heather Ruskievicz combines soft color illustrations that children will love with a simple story line that will speak right to a mother’s heart. The story introduces us to a mommy named Maria who lives in…



In the evenings, the small folk pile on the couch around and on top of my husband for story time. Dan Frontier, The Wizard of Oz, Johnny Tractor—now that they’ve finished the Little House series, it’s a different selection every night. And it’s always good incentive to finish their dinner so bath time can be…

The End.

The End.