
How to Give a Free Download to Your MailChimp Email Subscribers

How to Give a Free Download to Your MailChimp Email Subscribers

The most popular email list building advice is to entice potential subscribers with a free download. But once you’ve figured out what your freebie is going to be and have your PDF all ready, you’re stuck trying to figure out where to upload and link your file so that your subscribers will get it automatically (and…

How to Give a Free Download to Your MailerLite Email Subscribers

How to Give a Free Download to Your MailerLite Email Subscribers

Vicki made the final edits to the second email in her welcome series. It was word-perfect. We just had to add it to her MailChimp Automation. And that’s the day we found out MailChimp now allows only single-email welcome automations. Vicki and I, along with many others, started looking at options for an email service…

How to Share a Free File Download With Your Email List Using Dropbox or Google Drive

How to Share a Free File Download With Your Email List Using Dropbox or Google Drive

You’ve crafted the most helpful free printable to give to your subscribers. You’ve written the most compelling email that will make your subscribers want to download and use your printable–and then tell all their friends to go sign up for your email list, too. But now you’re stuck. There’s no way to upload or attach…

How to Update Old Blog Posts (without breaking links or losing social media shares)

How to Update Old Blog Posts (without breaking links or losing social media shares)

Working your way through a course like Sticky Blogging or Blog Smarter and making changes to your old posts? Just feeling like a bit of spring cleaning on your blog?

Here are three things to know about updating old posts.

Rest assured: you can do it without breaking any links or losing your social media shares!

How to Get Your Own Professionally Branded Email Address

How to Get Your Own Professionally Branded Email Address

Did you know that Gmail updated their DMARC policy in June 2016? Did you know that this effects you if you’re using an @gmail.com address to send emails through somewhere like ConvertKit, MailChimp, or Mad Mimi? Many bloggers were unaware that the DMARC policy existed–let alone applied to them–until they saw a warning in their…

The End.

The End.