a gentleman in the truest sense of the word
In honor of Grandpa Mann’s birthday, I’m sharing a tribute I wrote after he went home to Heaven this summer…
In honor of Grandpa Mann’s birthday, I’m sharing a tribute I wrote after he went home to Heaven this summer…
Snow is drifting down outside. A warm fire is burning in our woodstove. Christmas music is streaming through our speakers. It’s the time of year when I want to spend all my time curled up under a fuzzy blanket, with a mug of hot tea in one hand and a Christmas book in the other….
I would never have guessed I would be buying graphic novels for my children. But that’s because I mistakenly equated graphic novels with comics. I now know graphic novels aren’t just collections of comic strips like Peanuts or Family Circus (though our whole family loves the works of Bil Keane and Charles Schulz!); graphic novels…
When I got married, my aunt Margie gave me an aloe vera and four cactus starts–two Thanksgiving cactus, a Christmas cactus, and a traditional prickly cactus. The Thanksgiving cactuses were cuttings from a plant that belonged to Mrs. Maysel Lyon, my dad’s and my aunt’s beloved first grade teacher. (We heard many stories about this…
Pembrick’s Creaturepedia is found on bookshelves all over Skree. But the original resides on the desk of Andrew Peterson, esquire. It is filled with exceedingly exquisite examples of a half-gobbled artist’s sketchery. Jam-packed with drawings of such creatures as Tail-handed Thwaps, Toothy Cows, Trolls, Ridgerunners, Dagger Fish, and Gunkees, this tome is exceptionally delightful! Ollister B. Pembrick’s Creaturepedia is ridiculously wonderful.
When I’m not writing or reading, I’m pondering a plot line, developing a character, dreaming up a new idea, or wondering what happens next in the book I’m reading. With an allegory, I know what happens next. I know that the Greatest Author of All Time will write the character’s story, redeem their brokenness, and let in the…
There’s a reason Jesus used parables: sometimes a story makes a lesson more memorable and easier to understand. “Each person has their own story.” My friend Natasha’s stories have made many truths tangible for me through the years. Her non-fiction is raw and real and filled with the thread of God’s redemption; her fiction is…
Changing from one theme framework to another is different than just swapping out one Genesis child theme for another. When you activate Kadence or a Kadence child theme, you’ll lose any hooks, scripts, or custom functions associated with your Genesis theme settings or files.
Science fiction was never a favorite genre of mine until I discovered The Truth Chronicles. My cousin was reading a book while we were on a day trip with our families. My curiosity piqued by the intriguing cover, I asked what this book was about. My cousin told me all about four kids and their…
Moving from Genesis to Kadence and need to replace some of your Genesis functions? Want to add a disclosure statement before your posts but don’t have the Elements available with Kadence Pro? Install the Code Snippets plugin, if you haven’t already, and try these snippets that use Kadence Theme hooks to recreate what you were…
If you’re an Amazon Associate using self-hosted WordPress, you have many options for displaying your disclosure automatically. You can include the disclosure on every post and page, selectively based on post tags, or insert it manually using a shortcode or reusable block.
Someday we should open a bookstore… We’ve said it to each other for years, from our first dates (siblings in tow!) at The Book Bin, to our honeymoon when we found every used bookstore in each town we visited (and came home with a stack of children’s books). We repeat it when we leave the…
The End.
The End.