Gretchen Louise

Embracing Beauty

Embracing Beauty

“What we wear is a song we sing to those around us.” If you read my interview with Trina Holden last week, you know how excited I am that she is sharing her passion for beauty in book form. Embracing Beauty has armed me with all sorts of ideas for adapting my shopping habits and my closet to fit…


I lay back in my chair, willing myself not to sigh audibly as I put my feet up. She might be numbing my mouth in preparation for dental work, but it feels like a mini vacation for the moment. I open my copy of Bittersweet, wondering if the dentist or assistant will comment on a…


“B’oken. ‘Actor. B’oken.” It’s not even this almost-two-year-old’s real birthday yet, and one of the presents from his party is broken. All it takes is a quick look and I reassure him, “Daddy can fix it, buddy. We’ll put it right here on the counter to wait until he gets home, and then he can…

An Easter Prayer

An Easter Prayer

My children love Amy Parker’s illustrations. The squeals of delight are only slightly less than if they were real live chicks and bunnies in their hands. And they exclaim about the purple polka dotted rubber boots every single time. But we love An Easter Prayer for more than just it’s adorable illustrations. Amy Parker’s “Time…

On Becoming a Writer

On Becoming a Writer

English teacher and blogger Denise J. Hughes has written the eBook that every blogger and author needs to read. On Becoming a Writer tells bloggers the importance of becoming good writers, and shows authors the difference between blogging and writing for publication. Denise knows the craft and loves the art. She believes in the creative process but values…

Les Miserables

Les Miserables

When the beating of your heart Echoes the beating of the drums There is a life about to start When tomorrow comes! (lyrics to “Do You Hear the People Sing”) It was over ten years ago that I was first introduced to Les Miserables. I knew it was a classic book, of course, but that…

Dear Panda Express

Dear Panda Express

Dear Panda Express, We just got back from a three week vacation with three kids. And you were the only place we ate more than once.  And, in fact, visited three times. After a full day at the zoo that included watching the most adorable Panda ever eat a stick of bamboo, there seemed nowhere…


We knew they were ready to head towards home when they started talking about their “bonk” beds. We were two weeks and about 1600 miles into our vacation and about ready to start retracing our steps home. We were still enjoying our trip (especially since everyone was finally healthy!) but we were ready to sleep…


After three weeks of vacation, it’s hard to settle back into the ordinary. Dinner doesn’t make itself, and the dishes pile up. Despite all the laundry we did on the road, there were half a dozen loads to do when we arrived home. There are bags and boxes to unpack and routines to re-establish. And…

The End.

The End.